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VANtage: February 2020

Galen Roth | Published on 2/7/2020

Greetings Friends and Colleagues,

At our January meeting, our incoming president, Sean Becker, announced that he would be unable to fulfill the role for the coming year due to changes in the workplace.  Please join us in wishing Sean speedy resolutions and good days ahead. 

The VAN Board met in late January to address how best to move forward with our team.  It was decided that the following solution would minimize disruption and provide the greatest benefit to the organization.
  • Past President Elizabeth Garrabrant will resume the role of President through June 30th, 2020 and will commit to the role of Past President from July 1, 2020-December 31, 2021
  • Current Vice President Gerlinde Higginbotham will take on the role of President from July 1, 2020-December 31, 2021
  • We will be recruiting an Associate VP to join the team, taking over the Vice President role from July 1, 2020-December 31, 2021

And so, although I know you thought you had escaped my monthly musings, it seems fate had other plans!  All kidding aside, I’m honored to serve this valuable organization and I look forward to seeing what new delights await us.
Thank you for wandering a little further with me,

Elizabeth Garrabrant, CVA
VAN Central Ohio President


February Meeting:Resolving Conflict with Kira Nurieli
Thursday, February 20, 2020     
8:30am- 10:30am 
Mid-Ohio Foodbank
3960 Brookham Drive   Grove City, OH 43123

Have you ever felt stuck in a conflict, not sure of how to resolve it?  Have you ever felt defeated and powerless?  Do you ever wonder how to be better prepared for a negotiation?

This program provides an introductory overview of key conflict management approaches that will help you in these situations and more!  We cover tips and tricks as well as common pitfalls, so that you’ll come away with new ideas as well as skills to apply in conflicts at work, at home, with your family, and in your community.


*If you are not a member, the cost to attend a monthly meeting is $20. 


Other News

Service Enterprise - Potential Columbus Cohort

Cincinnati Cares, a nonprofit and influencer in the volunteerism space, is a Hub for the Service Enterprise program, a holistic, evidence-based change-management approach to volunteer engagement. There are many options for participating in Service Enterprise, and nonprofits who go on to become certified Service Enterprises and operate best-in-class volunteer engagement can deliver on their missions at half the operating budget.

Cincinnati Cares will be holding an information session re: 2020 participation opportunities for interested Columbus-area nonprofits in late February. Please contact their Chief Operating Officer, Jenna Sturgeon, at if you are interested in attending or learning more.