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VANtage: April 2020

Galen Roth | Published on 4/3/2020

Hello Friends,

I hope this finds you well and staying sane as we trudge through another week of this strange, strange time.  My heart goes out to those on furlough, those working in quarantine, and those still showing up to mostly empty offices each day...a wide range of stressful situations to be sure. 

I look forward to the next time we can gather in person and share our experiences.  Until that day, I hope that we will be able to connect, learn, and lean upon each other in other ways.  One such way would be to host video conferences in lieu of our traditional professional development sessions.  Please let us know if you are interested in participating by completing this one question survey.  Some of my colleagues at MOFC have even planned a Zoom happy hour for tomorrow night - if it's a success perhaps we'll try it out for VAN. :)

The April meeting has been put on hold until we can determine if a virtual session appeals to our members.  If we get a positive response, we may schedule outside of our traditional 3rd Thursday of the month.  If nothing else, this shutdown has made flexible fashionable - a silver lining I appreciate!

In the meantime, if you wish to see something both adorable and terrifying, enjoy Animals Eating Berries

Carry on bravely,

Elizabeth Garrabrant, CVA
VAN Central Ohio President


April/May sessions are pending - more to come soon!