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VANtage: September 2020

Galen Roth | Published on 9/4/2020

Greetings Members and Member Organizations,  

It’s almost here: fall.  Our thoughts are turning to back to school, new challenges, and elections. Elections are an important time for all of us, a social responsibility. A free and fair election guarantees the trust of the citizens in the elected government. As we all know, democracy is defined as a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

So, why do I bring up elections? Because just as your vote counts in our national, state, and local elections, YOU can also make a real difference as a VAN Board Member. Your efforts on the board can bring new ideas, a new vision, or help build new elements from within our VAN community. 
While we are not holding an election, I am asking for members who are interested and committed to apply to become VAN Board Members and help our organization grow and obtain its goal. We are looking for the following Board positions: Professional Development Co-Chair, Membership Co-Chair, and Web Coordinator. Current Board Members please consider a position as Vice President. Please send me a request for position descriptions at

Believe it or not being a Board Member with VAN is not stressful: giving of your time for a good cause does wonders for your physical and mental health! I know you have heard this before, but we are a great group to work with and we try our hardest to make VAN a positive place and have uplifting experiences.

If you have never been on a board, we are a perfect start for you. You will discover your hidden talents and passions which directly improves your self-confidence. Our community is a great place to learn from, as we are from different career backgrounds and mindsets.

Finally, you’re providing a valuable service to the VAN community and are giving back through social responsibility.  I hope to see everyone at our September 17th Professional Development Session.   Natalie Fickell, Community Relations & Associate Programs Specialist from Grange Insurance will present on corporate volunteering from a corporate point of view.

Gerlinde Higginbotham
VAN Central Ohio President

VAN Professional Development Meeting

Topic: Engaging Corporate Volunteers, Presented by Natalina Fickell of Grange Insurance
Time: September 17th, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) over Zoom

Please join through the attached link in the VANtage email you received.

Join us for another year and enter to win!

Have you updated your 2020 VAN Membership?  We have recently updated our membership to a rolling membership. This means you can renew any time and it is valid for a full calendar year (12 months). To renew click here: and click Join Now!

Membership questions? Ask Craig Kelley

To reward our valuable members, we will be holding a drawing in January 2021 for all members who have renewed by December 31, 2020. Exciting prizes will be announced soon!

VAN Professional Development Meeting 
Topic: Public Speaking, Presented by Stephanie Sparrow Hughes, CVA of LifeCare Alliance
Time: September 17, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) over Zoom