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VANtage: October 2021

Galen Roth | Published on 10/21/2021

Greetings Members and Member Organizations,

Fall is officially here, and this year has been full of changes again. As I move closer to year end, I feel hopeful. The new year will be here soon, and I am going to use the remaining months to continue to build and improve. As President of an awesome organization like VAN, I want to step up our efforts to increase our membership and inspire our membership to continue their aspirations for excellence in Volunteer Administration and Service. For this to happen, and for VAN to continue to grow, we need new members. VAN is a valuable resource for members to navigate the world of volunteer administration. We offer professional development events every month, networking opportunities, current administrator job listings as well as other volunteer job positions. Please help us build a better and vibrant VAN by referring a friend to us.
Talking about vibrant, our last Professional Development event was held at Whetstone Park. Yes, our first in person event in over a year. Members were very good about adhering to the latest COVID guidance. We gathered to network and exchange Volunteer Best Practices during COVID. We toured the Park of Roses, which is beautiful. It was wonderful to learn how we have all learned to be flexible. Change is hard; the members who attended handled change due to COVID with panache! My Thanks to everyone that attended and shared their volunteer management experiences during COVID and to the Whetstone Park Volunteer who conducted the tour.
I must admit I always thought The Park of Roses was the name for the entire park. Well, I learned that the Park of Roses is a 13-acre plot inside Whetstone Park that showcases roses of more than 350 different types. See, another reason to come to networking events: you just never know what fun facts you can pick up!

Gerlinde Higginbotham
VAN President


VAN Professional Development Meeting

Topic: Understanding & Engaging 21st Century Volunteers with Rob Jackson, Director of Rob Jackson Consulting
Time: Tuesday, October 26th, 2021 09:00-10:30 AM
Description: This session will look at some of the key ways in which society is changing and how these changes affect volunteerism. We will also discuss what leaders of volunteers can do to update their practices to accommodate these changes, further enhancing their engagement and retention of 21st century volunteers.
Rob Jackson has worked in the volunteering movement for more than 25 years, during which time he has led and managed volunteers and volunteering in education, advice, fundraising and children’s services settings at local, regional and national levels. Rob worked for Volunteering England for six years, most of which he spent as Director of Development and Innovation. In 2011 Rob established Rob Jackson Consulting Ltd and now provides consultancy, public speaking and training services on a range of topics, with strategic volunteer engagement remaining at the core of his work. Rob works with clients large and small in the UK, USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

Join Zoom Meeting on Tuesday, October 26th 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
See your VANtage newsletter for Zoom information.

We know many of you have conflicting schedules, and have been unable to attend on Thursday mornings. October's date has been changed to Tuesday, October 26th 9 AM-10:30 AM. We are also planning to change November and December's meetings to a day other than Thursday. Stay tuned for the rest of the dates!

We are accepting applications for new board members for 2022! You'll notice that many positions are co-chairs, which means you'll have help! Open positions that will need to be filled are
Professional Development Co-Chair
Membership Co-Chair
Public Relations/Secretary Co-Chair
Web Coordinator

Please email your resume to President Gerlinde Higginbotham,

The 2021 Conference on Service & Volunteerism is again virtual and FREE! It's taking place October 27th and 28th. The keynote speaker is Kevin Clayton, VP Diversity, Inclusion & Community Engagement, Cleveland Cavaliers. The Keynote panel includes at least one familiar face to us!
·    Rachel Bruns, Deputy Director, America’s Service Commissions – Panel Moderator
·    Nicole R. Smith, Author, Motivational Speaker, Podcast Host, Blogger, Community Engagement Professional
·    Barry Altland, Writer, Speaker, Thought Leader, Non-profit Executive at Head, Heart, Hands Engagement Collective
·    Valerie Beutel, CHANGE INC AmeriCorps Director at Baldwin Wallace University
Register here: Ohio Conference on Service & Volunteerism (


Our website is now listing job postings in central Ohio! If you're a VAN Central Ohio member looking for a position working with volunteers, you can click here to access the page. There are many local openings including positions at Lifecare Alliance, Riverside Methodist Hospital, United Way of Delaware County, and MORE! Postings are updated throughout the month, so log in and check back often!

Is your organization looking for volunteer administration? Contact us so we can get the word out!