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VANtage: February 2022

Galen Roth | Published on 2/9/2022

Greetings Members and Member Organizations,

Every February, Black History Month presents organizations the opportunity to show their commitment to diversity and inclusion. This year more than ever we need to use this month to increase our cultural awareness of the value that everyone brings to our organizations.

The fundamental action of diversity is to create an environment, which fosters an appreciation of the values, skills, and abilities of each individual member. Members are responsible to each other for promoting an inclusive atmosphere of acceptance and respect, for demonstrating a commitment to fair and equal opportunity, and for moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating our different backgrounds.

VAN is committed to enjoying a diverse and inclusive membership. We all understand that diversity is not a problem to be solved, but that it is an asset to be developed. Recognizing and celebrating racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds within your organization can be an effective tool to build volunteer and employee engagement in the organization. One step is to establish a diversity and inclusion committee at your organization.

This act shows that your organization is dedicated to making your team environment a better place and encourages a free flowing of ideas and feedback between volunteers, employees, and leadership.

There are many ways to celebrate but do take the time to celebrate.

Gerlinde Higginbotham
VAN President

VAN Professional Development Meeting
Topic: Post-Pandemic Marketing with Barb Burgie
Time: Thursday, February 17th at 9 AM  
What to expect moving forward. A look into key aspects of digital marketing and trends for 2022. Come and join this session to learn how the pandemic has impacted marketing. Attendees will learn about the importance of authentic content, how search is changing and what changes to anticipate for 2022 when it comes to reaching your volunteers.

Join Zoom Meeting on Thursday, February 17th at 9 AM 
See your VANtage newsletter for Zoom information.

We are still accepting applications for new board members for 2022! You'll notice that many positions are co-chairs, which means you'll have help! Open positions that will need to be filled are
Professional Development Co-Chair
Membership Co-Chair
Web Coordinator

Please email your resume to President Gerlinde Higginbotham,


Our website is now listing job postings in central Ohio! If you're a VAN Central Ohio member looking for a position working with volunteers, you can click here to access the page. There are many local openings including positions at Lifecare Alliance, Besa, Goodwill Columbus, and MORE! Postings are updated throughout the month, so log in and check back often!

Is your organization looking for volunteer administration? Contact us so we can get the word out!