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VANtage: April 2022

Shannon Maurer | Published on 4/6/2022

Dear Members,

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month! This year, VAN would like to spotlight some of our network's most valuable volunteers. We invite you to recognize a volunteer from your organization at our next Professional Development session, and VAN will send them an E-Gift Card as an award for their service! We would also ask them to participate in our volunteer panel to share their insights on meaningful volunteer appreciation and engagement. This will be a WIN WIN - A chance to recognize your volunteers & for us all to glean insights to inform our work as volunteer administrators! Read details below to learn more about this event...


1. Offer them an invitation to our zoom session on Thursday, April 21st at 9am. Let them know you want to Spotlight them and their great work for your organization AND ask them to participate in a group discussion/panel to share their insights about volunteer engagement & appreciation. We value their insights and hope to engage more dedicated volunteers like them.

2. During the Zoom Call, You will Spotlight your volunteer and briefly share why they are a value to your organization.

3. Provide a fun superlative/title (harkening back to our session with Jennifer Blalock, examples "The Wayfinder," "Chief Energy Officer," etc.)

4. The last portion of our event will be a Question & Answer Session with the highlighted volunteers. We will ask questions about Volunteer Engagement and Appreciation tactics that have been meaningful to them.

5. VAN will send them an award/thank you gift - $20 E-Gift Card to Amazon

6. Regardless of volunteer participation, we invite all VAN Members to attend to hear from volunteers & glean insights into this important function of our role as Volunteer Administrators!


Volunteer Administrators should register online here for themself and their volunteer by Friday, April 15th.

Email Christa Passafiume, VAN VP, with any questions at