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VANtage: May 2022

Galen Roth | Published on 5/12/2022

Greetings Members and Member Organizations,

It has finally happened, the pandemic restrictions have disappeared, allowing us to create a new normal and move about without masks. Depending on where you live, vaccination rates are decreasing, and the weather is warm and sunny.

Wow! I did not realize how comfortable I had become with no travel to work or meetings every day. I seem to have forgotten how to organize my day if I have external meetings. I am relearning the traffic patterns, and parking locations, it’s been frustrating but fun getting back out in the world.

Our VAN Professional Development sessions will remain virtual for a little while longer.  So leave your car parked, grab a cup of coffee, or your favorite pastry and join us on Thursday, May 19th at 9:00 am for an inspiring professional development event with our featured presenter, CEO of Furniture
Bank, Phil Washburn. He will be speaking about Engaging the Community and Volunteers.

Gerlinde Higginbotham
VAN President

VAN Professional Development Meeting
Topic: Engaging Volunteers in our Neighborhoods with Phil Washburn, CEO of the Furniture Bank of Central Ohio
Time: Thursday, May 19th at 9 AM  
Description: Join us for a discussion on how to engage volunteers in our organizations' neighborhoods! We will talk about programs that encourage those we serve to give back as well. We will also talk about ways to introduce ourselves to the immediate community.

See your VANtage newsletter for new Zoom information.


The 2022 Ohio Conference on Service and Volunteerism Planning Committee is seeking proposals for presentations at the 2022 Ohio Conference on Service and Volunteerism, which will he held in-person at Quest Conference Center in Columbus. You can find out more here and download the proposal form.

We are still accepting applications for new board members for 2022! You'll notice that many positions are co-chairs, which means you'll have help! Open positions that will need to be filled are
Professional Development Co-Chair
Membership Co-Chair
Web Coordinator

Please email your resume to President Gerlinde Higginbotham,


Our website is now listing job postings in central Ohio! If you're a VAN Central Ohio member looking for a position working with volunteers, you can click here to access the page. There are many local openings including positions at Lifecare Alliance, Furniture Bank of Central Ohio, National Audubon Society, and MORE! Postings are updated throughout the month, so log in and check back often!

Is your organization looking for volunteer administration? Contact us so we can get the word out!